Anouk Mariacci

Anouk is an artist and a mother and the 2 are intertwined in every way. The emotional journey of being a mother and going through some difficult times has led her to pick up her pencils and paint again after so many years being left aside.Immersing herself in painting has been an eye opening experience and a real life line in challenging times in her life. Art is survival and therapy, and as Picasso said “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”Her paintings are a reflection of her current state of mind and are purely instinctive.Her flower ladies collection is a reflection of her journey with her son, representing both herself as a woman/mother and her son's pain transformed in a colourful manner with golden aura and flowers.Her abstract collages are a tale of modern life and constant disruption we all experience. These abstracts all tell a story through the choice of papers used, the era they come from, what the image depicts or the meaning of the words on the papers. All come together to create a unique image of what the world is throwing at us.From landscapes to portraits, collages to abstract expressionism, her style is varied, can feel disruptive or calm, a reflection of who she is.Her first love is drawing with charcoal, pencils and sepia. There is something quite sensory about drawing as detail and patience are key to make a drawing come to life. Painting has been a welcome discovery opening up a whole new world of colours, textures, tools and media. She likes textures so was instinctively drawn to mixed media. Collages, thick paints, drips, drops, splashes, digging into piles of books and magazines and paper textures collected over time, using household items to paint with, having more flexibility with movement and working on different scales. Endless possibilities

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