Annabel Lear

Annabel is a self taught, fluid artist. She began painting after watching a creativity documentary, and realised just how much she missed nurturing that part of herself. She sees painting as a creative escape from the repetitive nature of a work-life balance.

Annabel was initially drawn to fluid art through it’s abstract, formless style. She found that without a concrete subject, the painting actually becomes form-full; open to interpretation and with endless possibilities.

She primarily works with acrylic on canvas, but has previously experimented on glass and mirrors. She enjoys trying new techniques and has recently incorporated the use of gold-leaf for additional depth and framing.

A recovering perfectionist, she tries to incorporate the concept of Wabi Sabi into every piece; to find the beauty in all things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete.

where to find me

Check back soon to see where I am

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